4 Reasons You Should Use an Attorney During an Adoption


The choice to adopt a child, or even give up your own child for adoption, is not one that should be taken lightly. Adoption brings about a list of complications and can tend to be emotionally charged. The reality is that adoptions are not done overnight, and the lengthy process can be complicated and confusing. Because of this reason, both birth parents and prospective adoptive parents should consider working with a family law attorney during their adoption journey. Below you will see a few reasons why this decision would be in your best interest.

Keep the adoption ball rolling

There are several different factors that play into the time it takes to complete an adoption. There are some cases that are deemed easier, like those of stepparents. When the situation involves a non-relative child, the process can lengthen exponentially. Many aspects of adoptions are beyond an attorney’s control, but it is best to have them on your team to ensure the adoptions move forward. There is a significant amount of paperwork involved in adoptions and it is imperative that the paperwork is done correctly and in a timely manner. An experienced family law attorney can complete the paperwork much more quickly, likely without errors, and this will keep the adoption ball rolling for your family.

Knowing your rights

The rights of adoptive parents and birth parents can be incredibly complicated. There are situations and questions that can arise that you would not typically be prepared for. An adoption attorney can provide you with this information, in addition to ensuring that your rights are protected throughout your adoption journey.

Getting the scoop on home studies

Home studies are a requirement for prospective adoptive parents and luckily, it is a vital service that an adoption attorney can provide. Throughout your adoption process, you will have several “home studies” conducted by social workers and the adoption agency you choose. These studies are interviews in the home, and they are conducted to make sure your home is suitable for a child. You might be thinking you will “pass” with flying colors, but the truth of the matter is that it never hurts to be prepared. Hiring an adoption attorney can secure advice and guidance for you through the home study process and ensure that you face no surprises in your journey.

Representation matters

Most adoption cases go over smoothly, the child joins a new, loving family without complication. There are some cases, or issues, that arise that force matters to be brought to court. You do not want to find yourself scrambling at that point for a family law attorney. It is important to engage early.

If you’re considering adoption—either as a birthparent or as an adoptive parent—please reach out to our experienced family law attorneys today, to ensure your rights are protected during the adoption process.