Child Abuse and Neglect in Texas

Child abuse and neglect

Child abuse and neglect cases are complicated, complex, and difficult to follow. Understandably, if you find yourself accused of either or both, you are likely riddled with stress and anxiety. If you even suspect that you’re being investigated for child abuse, you need to acquire representation immediately. You don’t want to risk the fate of your family to the system. 

Child abuse and neglect in Texas

Here’s the thing you might not know. Aside from being hurtful, being wrongfully accused of child abuse or neglect is actually damaging. The future of your parental rights isn’t just at risk; your child’s well-being is at stake. It’s absolutely critical that you are prepared and equipped to defend yourself properly in court.

What to do if you’re wrongfully accused of child abuse or neglect in Texas

Sadly, it’s not unusual for an angry individual to falsely accuse an innocent person of child abuse or neglect. They might do this in an attempt to receive some type of benefit or to simply “get even” with the innocent party if they’re particularly angry or vengeful. A wrongful accusation, even if eventually proven untrue, can feel seriously devastating. If you find yourself in this situation, let’s take a look at what you can do.

Get help immediately

As a parent, you are entitled to due process. But if you don’t know what you’re doing, it can be very difficult to navigate the complicated situation. You need skilled advocates that know what they’re doing and will fight with all they’ve got. Sadly, caseworkers are not your advocates. Their interest is protecting your children, which is great. But they can make mistakes. And a mistake in a child welfare case can be devastating. Hiring competent legal counsel will ensure that the process is followed to the letter of the law.

Demonstrate credibility

Earning credibility in the courts is important. Demonstrating your credibility may come down to testifying in court. Your legal counsel will likely encourage you to be honest and consistent during your testimony. You may also be encouraged to remain calm and cooperative, obtain credible character witness statements, and corroborate your story with witnesses.

Need help? 

We’re Proffitt & Associates. We are specialists in family law in Houston and the greater Houston area. We are committed to doing what’s right for our clients every step of the way. Let our family help your family. Request your free one-hour consultation today.