Modifying a Divorce Order in Texas

Court Order Texas

Divorces can be a tricky business. You’re essentially attempting to successfully map out the separation and management of shared dependents and assets long into the future. Understandably, things can and will change along the way. And when this happens, you may want or need to modify the divorce order or divorce agreement. 

When can you modify a divorce order in Texas?

There are a few circumstances in which you can modify a divorce order in Texas. If your divorce has just been finalized, meaning that the judge has signed off on your divorce decree, then you have the option to appeal. Whether you believe that a mistake was made or you just disagree with the court’s findings, you have the right to appeal to amend the divorce order.

If those initial thirty days post-finalization have already lapsed, you can file a motion to modify in certain circumstances. Those situations typically include some type of substantial change in circumstances for either spouse or the child(ren).

In Texas, you can typically choose to modify a divorce order using one of three avenues.

It’s important to know that things change. And it is possible for former spouses to come to a mutual agreement to modify their divorce decree themselves. But sometimes that just isn’t possible, especially if the former spouses have a history of bad blood. If you simply cannot collaborate to come to an agreement, the court system and a good attorney are able to help you.

1. Changes to Texas child support guidelines 

2. Mutual agreement of both parties

3. Material and substantial changes in circumstances

When can’t you modify a divorce order in Texas?

It’s really difficult, if not totally impossible, to modify provisions surrounding certain properties once a divorce has been finalized. Basically, once the divorce is finalized and the assets have been separated, you can’t come back after the fact if you find that your ex’s share is more than your share.

Questions about modifying a divorce order in Texas?

Even though your divorce is over, there may still be things worth fighting. We’re a team of driven Texas legal professionals that have the experience to get the job done. Get in touch today. We’ve got your back.