What are your rights in a CPS case?

Rights in CPS case

The role of Child Protective Services is to ensure children are always safe with those who have custody of them. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. If someone reports that a child in your care is in danger, your child could be removed from your custody. While you do have rights, the court’s priority is obviously the safety of all children involved. It is important to know however what your rights are.

What are my rights?

First and foremost, you are entitled to an attorney. And this should be your first move without a doubt. Having an attorney who can be well versed in your case and your situation will give you the best chance for success. You have the right to deny the allegations. Telling the truth should be your priority which includes the ability to deny any false allegations against you. Vice versa, if you are guilty, you do have the right to admit that to the courts. You have the right to receive any, and all, notices from the court regarding your case. You have the right to be present at any proceedings involving your case in court.

CPS cases move quickly, be prepared

Unlike a lot of cases in the court system, cases of child abuse or neglect are handled quickly. It is critical that you are aware of your rights as stated above, but also what is expected of you and at what point. If you fail to act with expediency the court could be influenced to rule against you. Acting with urgency, transparency and truthfulness will make all the difference in getting your children returned to you.