What Does End-of-Life Planning Mean?

Estate Planning

Talking about end-of-life planning is never easy. But when you are prepared, the conversation can be far more bearable. And having the right family law attorney guiding you through the process will help you navigate the difficult waters. 

End-of-life planning is important, but important does not mean easy. The idea of preparing for the end-of-life simply means you are attempting to lessen the load for your loved ones to bear when you are gone. The assurance your family will have if you have an estate plan in place will be invaluable. A common misconception is that a will takes care of all issues. Unfortunately, this is not always true. A complete, comprehensive Estate Plan will be the best way to ensure your affairs are in order. 

What is end-of-life planning?

End-of-life planning is the part of your Estate Plan that formalizes your desires and wishes for your final phase of life. Issues arise when we try and wait to make our intentions known and could possibly find ourselves unable to do so. In addition, it can be a heavy load to place upon loved ones to try and figure out your wishes and all agree upon them. End-of-life planning can include things like what medical interventions do you want to take place. 

Why is end-of-life planning important?

End-of-life planning is your way of finalizing your wishes. It is also a gift to your family to ensure they do not have to face those decisions without your guidance. Your end-of-life planning has more to do with those around you than it even has to do with you. Preparing now for the inevitable relieves the stress on your loved ones. 

How to ensure your planning goes smoothly?

Having the conversations about end-of-life is painful, having the right advisors and legal representation can make the process go more smoothly. There are some steps that can assist in the process, things like completely engaging in the process, sticking to the facts, making sure you understand all that is occurring, and giving yourself time. Bringing your family along can be beneficial as well for their journey, as well as yours.