Posts tagged Assets in divorce
Things to Avoid When Going Through a Divorce

Divorce is certainly more common than anyone would like. And while circumstances vary from couple to couple, most would agree that getting a divorce is anything but easy. If you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse would like to make it to the other side with respect, dignity, and integrity, try practicing these guidelines.

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How Can I Protect My Assets in a Divorce?

Think of marriage as a binding contract between you and your spouse. Once you are married, you as individuals become one household, and most assets are shared, in the eyes of the court. Unless you can prove a piece of property is truly separate — we can advise you on whether that’s the case — it will most likely be considered community property by default. That said, you can protect your assets ahead of time with a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, but those agreements need to follow a strict format to hold up in court.

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