Family Law 101


One thing that most people assume is that family law focuses only on divorce proceedings, or even child custody agreements. The term family law is so loosely thrown around but fewer people actually know what it is comprised of.

What is family law?

Family law is defined as a legal practice that focuses on issues involving family relationships, such as adoption, divorce and child custody issues. Some family law attorneys specialize in specific fields inside family law, like adoption, paternity, emancipation and other matters not related to divorce.

 Why is family law important?

Family law attorneys and paralegals are extremely important to the legal field. Having a skilled family law legal team on your side can be the difference between getting what you want and not. Having the right family law attorney can have a significant impact on your divorce, child custody, paternity or maternity issues, or even adoption issues. You want someone on your side that can communicate thoroughly and truthfully with you. You want someone who cares about your family and their well-being. Family law attorneys are vitally important when you are facing these issues, showing up with a tax attorney would not be putting your best foot forward in your child custody hearing. Circumstances like child welfare issues are intricate and delicate and having a specialized family law attorney could make all the difference in the world.  

How can a family law attorney help you?

Having a reputable family law attorney is the most valuable asset you can have going into negotiations for your family. A family law attorney can help you resolve issues in a fair and equitable manner, and honestly, they can save you a lot of time, money and frustration by doing things right.