Posts in Choosing an Attorney
Responsibilities of a Child Advocate Attorney

The work of protecting the rights of minors is not for the faint of heart. Child advocate attorneys work to protect the rights of minors in cases of divorce, custody, neglect, abuse and juvenile court issues. A child advocate attorney is typically appointed by the court. Here are some reasons why this such attorney might be appointed.

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Top 5 things you should never tell your lawyer

Finding the right lawyer can be a difficult decision, even when you know you have a solid case. If you are running into lawyers who are continually declining to work with you, there is a possibility you might be saying the wrong things to them. Here are five things you should never say to a lawyer.

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What is the advantage of having a family lawyer?

While legal services are not always the cheapest investment, they are almost always the best idea. Anyone with a legal eye will tell you to hire an experienced attorney who is a professional and understands the system. Having a skilled lawyer fighting for the results you need can make all the difference.

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A Day in the Life of a Family Law Attorney

Family lawyers come to the aid of those in good times and in bad. They represent spouses during divorces, assist with resolving issues of custody, facilitate adoptions and end-of-life planning. A typical day for a family lawyer may involve drafting a will, attending a hearing on a divorce case, and meeting with potential clients. With family law covering so many issues, no two days have to look the same.

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What Does It Mean When A Lawyer Offers a “Free Consultation?”

Today when you are searching for a lawyer online you will see that their website mentions a “free consultation.” Like anyone else, lawyers only have so much time in a day and they are trying to make a living. But often you will see the offer for a free consultation, which is not just for you but also for the attorney.

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The Importance of a Family Law Attorney

If life were easy, every circumstance calm and every situation seamless there would be no need for lawyers. But things are not always that simple. You don’t have to have all the answers in life and you certainly don’t have to know all the legal ins and outs of your proceedings. That’s why finding the right attorney for your situation is incredibly important.

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Legal Advice vs. Legal Information

The legal field is complete with terms and procedures that can be confusing to the untrained legal mind. There are numerous reasons why an individual would seek legal advice. In today’s society many turn to social media for advice when it is in their best interest to actually speak to a professional.

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What if you can’t afford an attorney?

Not everyone who finds themselves in need of an attorney can afford it. It is rare that someone would be prepared to need a lawyer, so unfortunately it is not always in the budget. If you are in need of legal representation and do not have the funds to hire someone, there are services available to assist you.

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How to research a lawyer’s reputation

Finding yourself in the situation that you might need a lawyer can be frightening, knowing you have found an attorney who is reputable is of utmost importance. There are a lot of lawyers in the world, but not every one of them has a good reputation. There are many facets of finding an attorney with a good reputation and record.

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