Posts in FAQs
What happens if you cannot afford legal counsel?

Legal issues can be expensive and counsel is not always affordable. Do not abandon finding legal representation until you have exhausted all options. If you are facing a family law issue and are unable to afford the entire effort necessary for your case, there are other strategies you might consider to assist in your journey.

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What is an Open Adoption?

There are numerous types of adoption: foster care, foster-to-adopt, infant adoption, independent adoptions, international adoptions, private adoptions, relative or kinship adoptions, and adult adoptions. The most common type of adoption is a stepchild adoption. Adoptions can either be opened or closed as well. An open adoption is a form of adoption where the biological and adoptive families have access to each other’s personal information and have an option of contact.

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Understanding the Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities

Often children are removed from the home or at risk for removal and the court will intervene to determine the best path forward. In most states, if a child welfare case requires court involvement it will come before juvenile or family courts. While the court experience can seem intimidating or overwhelming, proper legal representation can help ease the burden.

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Who needs a prenuptial agreement?

With marriage comes a lot of unification and the marrying of not only two people, but their lives, their assets, their families and so much more. Most do not go into marriage thinking of a future demise of the relationship, but realistically there are certain protections that should be considered. Many seek out marriage counseling before they tie the knot, some even seek out legal counsel to ensure they have all their affairs in order.

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What Does It Mean When A Lawyer Offers a “Free Consultation?”

Today when you are searching for a lawyer online you will see that their website mentions a “free consultation.” Like anyone else, lawyers only have so much time in a day and they are trying to make a living. But often you will see the offer for a free consultation, which is not just for you but also for the attorney.

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Should You File for a Domestic Violence Protection Order (DVPO)?

First, and foremost, if you are being hurt, threatened or stalked, please call The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. While the decision to file a domestic violence protection order can be stressful, there are times where it can very well be a matter of life or death.

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What Does ‘Getting Custody’ mean?

There are two kinds of child custody: legal custody and physical custody. Judges typically make the final decision on custody and visitation, but typically they find themselves simply approving an agreement by both parties. Typically, judges do not make decisions until both parties have met with a Family Court Services mediator.

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The Importance of a Family Law Attorney

If life were easy, every circumstance calm and every situation seamless there would be no need for lawyers. But things are not always that simple. You don’t have to have all the answers in life and you certainly don’t have to know all the legal ins and outs of your proceedings. That’s why finding the right attorney for your situation is incredibly important.

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Legal Advice vs. Legal Information

The legal field is complete with terms and procedures that can be confusing to the untrained legal mind. There are numerous reasons why an individual would seek legal advice. In today’s society many turn to social media for advice when it is in their best interest to actually speak to a professional.

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