Qualities Every Good Lawyer Should Have

qualities of a good lawyer

Have you always dreamed of becoming a lawyer? Have you daydreamed about seeing yourself delivering closing remarks with fire and passion? Do you see the path of joining the legal field as a way to help people? There are some intrinsic qualities that can assist you in becoming the best in your field, things like: being a good communicator, having good judgement, strong analytical skills, in-depth research skills, people skills, perseverance and determination and creativity.

Talk is cheap, or is it?

Communication skills are necessary to being a good attorney. Lawyers must be articulate in their oral communications, strong writers and good listeners. Public speaking skills are a large portion of what will make a lawyer successful. As an attorney you will find yourself potentially spending a lot of time arguing your cases in front of judges and juries. Being able to deliver your arguments succinctly and convincingly are important aspects of becoming a lawyer. Providing legal documentation is a significant aspect of becoming an attorney. The ability to write clearly, persuasively, and concisely are important characteristics of a good lawyer. But being able to deliver a strong argument both verbally and in writing are not all you will need. Having the ability to listen to complex testimonies and volatile situations are important skills good lawyers need as well.

Make a judgement call

It is essential as a lawyer that you have the ability to come to a reasonable, logical conclusion even with limited information. Having the ability to find weaknesses in your arguments is pivotal to your chance of success in a courtroom. As a lawyer, you will find there is little time to be indecisive and being able to quickly assess a situation and make a judgement call will create more success for you.

Analyze and Research

Law school is not for everyone. Just as being a lawyer is not right for everyone. Both the study and practice of law involve absorbing an exorbitant amount of information. Success however is not found in just the reading of the words but absorbing them and coming to logical conclusions after doing so. Likewise, the needs of your clients will vary and the strategies you take in their cases will rarely ever repeat themselves. Having the ability to research quickly and effectively will prepare you to be a better law student and lawyer.

People skills

Becoming a lawyer should be all about people. You will be working on behalf of people, for people and with people for your entire legal career. Having the ability to be approachable and personable are key to having your clients trust you and rely on you. At the end of the day you have to be able to persuade a judge or jury to choose your side of an issue. And having the keen sense of reading people will allow you to find ways to win your case.

Never give up

Sometimes cases take a long time. There are plenty of legal issues that cannot be resolved quickly and require perseverance. Studying to become a lawyer takes a great deal of perseverance. Once you complete the years of classes, then you have to prepare for the LSAT, take the LSAT and wait on your results. It is not a quick process. And with your cases, you will find that each step of the journey takes time and your perseverance to commit to your client and to the process will make you a successful attorney.


Problem-solving skills can be taught. But creativity can take a mundane case to the next level. Being a good lawyer is not just about being analytical or logical but also creative. Sometimes the best defense or delivery is not the most obvious and having the ability to pivot and find a new way to deliver your point will make you more successful.

At the end of the day, being a lawyer is a phenomenal path to choose. Knowing what it takes to be a good lawyer can take your career to the next level.