Top Questions to Ask Your Attorney

ask your attorney

Hiring an attorney can be a daunting task. Being prepared to endeavor into an agreement with an attorney is vitally important. Often those facing the decision to hire an attorney are not equipped with the knowledge on what to look for, what to ask and where to even begin.

How long have you been practicing law?

Knowing how long an attorney has been practicing law is an important factor in your decision-making process. Without over 1.3 million attorneys in the United States it is important to vet the practice of any attorney you are considering hiring. With any in-depth trial you are facing the likeliness that you would want an attorney who is well versed in the practice of law and has been active in the legal community for some time is high. If your case is a simple proceeding there would be less apprehension in hiring someone new to the practice of law. With practice comes experience and expertise, all these things are important in your decision on who will represent you.

What types of cases do you specialize in?

A football player would not show up to a game in his baseball uniform, likewise, it is not a wise decision for a client to hire an attorney who is not suited for the type of trial they are facing. It is important in your hiring of an attorney that you ask, “what types of cases do you specialize in?” Having a partner in your trial that specializes in the specific aspects of your case is a step in the right direction of successfully winning your trial.

How many cases have you represented that were like mine?

Knowing you are hiring an attorney that has practice for some time and specializes in your specific situation is a relief. In addition, finding out if the attorney you are deciding on working with has represented clients in similar situations is also a bonus. Law is an incredibly complex practice and an expertise in your specific circumstance is beneficial to your process.

What is your philosophy when representing clients?

Being on the same page with an attorney is important for your expectations and your benefit in the end. Knowing the approach your attorney plans to take, how they will communicate with you, what they expect the process to look like, what they need from you and how they will handle proceedings will help you make an informed decision when hiring an attorney.

In conclusion, it is incredibly important to ask questions and genuinely interview an attorney before hiring them. It is important to make sure they are a good fit for you, that they have the expertise and knowledge you are needing and making sure it is a good personality fit for whatever your needs will be.